Friday, March 20, 2009


Why is it that the inservices you actually want to attend are typically more helpful and useful than those you're mandated to attend? Blech. I just found out we've got a post-school year inservice to attend. AFTER the school year's over. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? LAME. I'm wicked pissed about it already; don't be surprised if my ire increases as the day approaches.

I don't know how or why my boss expects that from a staff that, in my opinion, is hardworking enough. On top of that, there's a summer program that's run by another teacher plus we're talking about holding summer school this year. That takes away a valuable planning day for both summer school and the summer camp program we do. Given how we all feel about the program as it is, I can already see my colleagues moaning and groaning during the last week of school. It's one thing for teachers to voluntarily attend PD seminars and inservices over the summer, but it's another to take even part of it away.

I know...I know. It's part of the contract we sign. Technically, my principal owns us from August 15th to June 15th. BUT, few principals will prescribe to that and literally own their teachers. I don't know why we just can't find a way to work it in before the end of June.

Thanks to my brother-in-law and his fiance, I have an 'out' for one of those inservice days that are already scheduled for June. God bless that wedding! ;-) I'm not holding my breath...I'm going to gloat about it all summer and karma will come back and bite me on the buttcheek to remind me that I'll probably have to show up a few days before I leave to make sure everything in my lab is set up for the inservice. Not that THAT means very much...I made sure everything was set up today and there were still issues that one of the women in charge blamed me for. Hey, if I didn't do something right, I'll take the blame. But the issue we were having was with their website and programs, not our computers and software.

Anyway, it's the weekend, so I'm getting myself off the interwebs and going to watch a movie or do something unproductive.

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