Monday, February 2, 2009

Good morning, class...

I've been meaning to start this for a while, but I guess now is as good a time as ever.

My name is Angie, and I am a teacher, probably in the loosest sense of the word. I've been teaching in an inner-city elementary school since August 2007 after working for 1 year at Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart. I teach computer science to Preschool-8th grade, but my training was in English-Secondary Education. Life's funny, isn't it?

I feel some days as though I fell into teaching by accident, and sometimes I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing or why I'm still here. Other days are great and I never want to do anything else. Some days I want to run screaming from my classroom, pulling out my hair as I run down the street. Sometimes I really like my job and know exactly why I'm here.

This blog will talk about a bunch of different favorite websites, stories about my day, learning experiences, different assignments, WTF moments, etc. Some days it might be a rant about how much I hate my job. Other days it might be a rave about the "teacher moments" I had. In May, look forward to the "END OF SCHOOL" countdown. For the most part this is personal, but if anyone takes anything away from this, positive or negative, so be it.

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